
Beckfoot Trust is an organisation that links a group of local Bradford schools together so that they can collectively improve the life chances for young people within their schools. Our aim is to create a group of truly remarkable schools each with a genuine comprehensive intake. They will be wonderful places for young people to learn and grow up in. We want to make a difference. We want to create something special.




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Beckfoot Upper Heaton (7)

At Beckfoot Upper Heaton, we believe that uniform is extremely important. We pride ourselves on our uniform. School uniform helps to promote equality, prepare students for the world of work, reduce bullying and allow pupils to concentrate on their learning. With this in mind, we aim for our uniform to be cost effective so that it also supports families and carers who experience financial hardship. Parents/carers are expected to ensure students wear full and correct uniform properly when in attendance.

Compulsory Uniform

Blazer (with logo)

School Tie (Year Group Colour - see below)

Plain Black Shoes

Plain Black Trousers or Skirt

Plain Black or Grey socks

School Bag

Compulsory PE Kit

PE Polo Top (with logo)

Plain black jogging bottoms


Optional PE Kit

School PE Hoodie (or plain black hoodie)

School PE Shorts or skort (with logo or plain black)

Plain black skins (to wear underneath PE kit if desired)

We have pride in our uniform at Beckfoot Upper Heaton and so shoes need to be plain black. However we are aware of making uniform cost effective for parents and so will accept the following style of footwear:

Uniform Shoes YES

Uniform Shoes NO

School uniform can be purchased through the following supplier:

Natasha School Wear
37 Westgate
Tel: 01274 724676
(Next to Army Careers)

Natasha's Price List

Natasha's Uniform

My Clothing

If you are struggling to make sure your child/ward comes to school in full uniform please do speak to school as we can help. Please contact the school directly on 01274493533 or email your child's PDL directly

We want all our young people to look smart; to take pride in their appearance and their school.  We do understand that many of our families are feeling the squeeze financially and that some items of school uniform (blazer, shoes and coats) are particularly expensive.  If any of our families are struggling to provide their child’s uniform, please contact school—we can help.  Parents/carers can access our SCHOOL UNIFORM PRELOVED SHOP.  We also have a store of uniform items that can be loaned out to students for short periods to allow parents time to buy replacements.


Shipley School Clothes Bank also have a range of items to help you with uniform requirements and you can speak with them direct on 07899055739 or email them on They have a base where item can be collected once you have put your request in.

*Please ensure you put your child’s name on all items of uniform, school bag and PE kit to enable us to return any lost items*