Assessment Strategy
KS3 and KS4
In terms of the assessment calendar and the Trust data collections we have the following this academic year:
KS3 – GL assessments data collected for year 7, 8 and 9
DC yr 7 – 23/10/2020 and then post summer tests which take place w/b 03/05/2020
DC Year 8 and 9 – 04/12/2020 – then after summer tests which take place w/b 10/05/2020 yr 8 and then 17/05/2020 yr 9
- KS4
- Year 10 DC already pushed back into the New Year
- Year 11 – Mocks 1 – W/b 9/11/2020 – 2 weeks – DC 04/12/2020
- Year 11 – Mocks 2 – w/b 22/02/2020 – 2 weeks – DC19/03/2021
KS4 Strategy
We no longer refer to the Yr 11 strategy as we will now extend this to cover both Year 10 and 11.
- Start of Year 10 Options/GCSE studies – launch with MWA and FLs – assemblies and explanation of Target Setting system and use of Learning Journey – this includes a Parent Information Evening
- Learning Journey can be adapted to cohort taking note of previous 3 year results to ensure it reaches FFT20 minimum
- Each student given an FFT 20 minimum expectation target and an FFT5 Stretch Target
- Student Target setting meetings for Yr 10 and Yr 11 students – LT and PDL meet parents
- HT/FL Target setting meetings beginning of Yr 10 and Yr 11 – we will set FFT targets at the start of Year 10 with FLs and then review actual targets at the start of year 11
- HT/FL Progress meetings to discuss progress towards targets will occur post Data Collections
- Progress Reports go to Parents following Data Collections – identify any students causing concern and LT phone calls to parents
- HT/Subject teacher meetings in Yr 11 and 10
- Strategies - Wider Learning Days, My Tutor, Period 6 etc
- Mock exams end of Year 10, Nov Yr 11, Feb Yr 11 – 3 sets throughout KS4
- 3 data collections in Year 10, 3 in Year 11 with a final update prior to exam season
KS3 Assessments
- No targets set until Year 10 when students begin GCSE Journey on KS4 strategy (none set in Yr 7,8,9)
- Data collected based on what they have learnt in assessments based on Units/Knowledge Organisers – what they know and can do – content and skills
- Tests are marked using own mark schemes and scores converted to a percentage for that unit test
- Tests will consist of a combination of: fact checking – longer answers – recalling previous knowledge from previous unit tests
- The result of the test is turned into a percentage score – this is what will be recorded on SISRA
- Each Faculty will potentially have different numbers of Unit Tests throughout the Year each of which can be recorded at any point on SISRA (can deliver more tests than the three data collections) – DC is then an accumulative percentage which the system will work out automatically
- Each reporting point – data collection – will report an accumulative percentage
- eg – DC1 all tests up to that point turned into an accumulative percentage, DC 2 – all tests from the start of the year and so on
- Creative and Physical subjects – grading system could be based on skills – level descriptors based on key skills – e.g. Basketball in PE
- Following the test – students get Test paper back – Areas demonstrating secure skills/knowledge – Areas For Improvement – plus verbal feedback from staff – more than three tests per year
- Reports to parents issued every data collection – the accumulative percentage, the A2L, attendance.
- Curriculum area on the school website will be developed
- Faculty and subject Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact
- broad SOL – parents/carers will know what is tested when
- Knowledge Organisers
- assessment weeks published so home can support in learning/revision.